It is very kind of Robert J. Wiersema to speak so positively about Every Night… in his starred review in Quill and Quire—and his piece as a whole serves as a very useful guide to the book for anyone looking for pointers.
“With his new short story collection Every Night I Dream I’m a Monk, Every Night I Dream I’m a Monster, Toronto writer Damian Tarnopolsky (Goya’s Dog) explores the full potential of the form, pressing to the limits of the genre. It’s a heady experiment, and a powerful reading experience……a kaleidoscope of interlinked layers of meaning, an understated – virtually subtextual – examination of the nature of fiction itself, and the creation of fiction. What could be, in lesser hands, an academic or experimental exercise, however, never loses sight of its emotional core….
With Every Night I Dream I’m a Monk, Every Night I Dream I’m a Monster, Damian Tarnopolsky has crafted one of the most intriguing, original pieces of fiction you are liable to read this year.